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Many businesses find themselves spending thousands on marketing with little to no results. But why? For many, it’s down to one thing – choosing the right agency!

While you may have opted for a well-known agency with excellent results on paper, if you’re a smaller, more localised business, this may have been the wrong choice.

What you should try is a smaller, local marketing agency. Why? Let us tell you.

The local market

When you’re a smaller or local business, the majority of your customer base will no doubt be those within the local area. Regardless of what you do, the way you market your business will be different from the way nationwide businesses do.

If you are using a marketing agency, but feel it isn’t working, stop and take a look at the agency. If their experience lies in big brands that work across the country, their results and stats may be impressive, but they may not be right for you.

When going with a local agency, they’ll have the advantage, despite being the smaller of the two agencies. This is because they’ll have an understanding of the region you’re in and the local market you’re trying to reach.

On top of this, their knowledge and expertise of working with other local businesses will surely pay off as they’ll know what works, what doesn’t and what type of keywords and references to use.

This will all work together to help you reach your intended customer and generate the businesses you’ve been looking for.


When using an agency that’s local to your business, not only will they understand your market much better, but they’ll also work with other local businesses.

This could be a huge advantage to you, as the agency could put you in contact with a multitude of other businesses that could help you out, and that you could help in return. From sponsorship opportunities and business ventures to getting help in areas your agency may not offer such as PR or design, a local agency could open up a whole new world

of opportunities for you.

A closer relationship

One of the biggest advantages of working with a local agency is they tend to be small, and, because of this, they practically become an extension of your team.

While big agencies tend to have different departments sitting away from each other, you may not be put in contact with the people you need to talk to straight away. There’s also the risk that your smaller, local business doesn’t get as much attention as a bigger client that’s seen as more important.

Small and local will offer you much more attention, while also providing you with the opportunity to meet members of staff at all levels. From assistants to executives and even owners, you’ll be

able to forge a relationship with all of these people, while also having local shared local knowledge to discuss.

Nailing the brief

With the agency being ‘around the corner’, getting those briefs spot on will be much easier than they would with an agency located halfway across the country.

This will help you to sit down and discuss in person exactly what you want, while the agency will be able to provide real-time feedback, utilising their expert knowledge to reach an amazing outcome for you.

This can often get lost over the phone or via email, as communication is much more open to interpretation and can result in a lot of wasted time.


This brings us on to our next point, using a local agency can save you time and money.

As you won’t be going back and forth all the time to get an advert or a piece of web copy just right, this will save you hours in time and while helping to get the work completed much quicker.

Meanwhile, less travelling also means money saved on trains, taxis and sometimes, aeroplanes. It also means a last-minute meeting could be just a short drive for you, rather than three hours.

You’ll also save money in other ways. Rather than looking for someone to work in-house, which can take hours and lots of money through a recruitment agency, which is then followed by paying wages, tax, insurance etc. hiring an agency means you’ll be paying them on a contract basis at a cost that you can both agree on, which brings on several heads with of experience and knowledge to give you more results for less money.

If you’re looking for a smaller, local marketing agency, why not give us a call and see how we can help. Get in touch today and find out what we can do.

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About the author

Relative is a creative marketing agency run by brothers, Rob and Si Barlow. We really work on our relationships. It’s why we have client partners who have happily worked with us for years. Building strong connections is what we do – with our clients, and for them with their chosen audiences.

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