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what is your role at relative marketing?

My role at Relative is ensuring we exceed our clients’ expectations and go above and beyond. I will work with creatives and clients to ensure no wires get crossed and also ensure internal work hits the brief and is delivered in a timely manner.

what do you enjoy the most about working at relative?

I enjoy the web side of it as it’s really interesting. If you don’t work in this environment, you won’t know how much time goes into creating a website from scratch. I also enjoy working with the team as everybody is equally passionate about the business flourishing.

Mia Adam, Senior Marketing Executive at Relative Marketing in running attire

what is your background?

I come from a small, fully integrated background and specialise in social media and digital. If you have any Insta queries, I’m your gal!

what do you get up to in your spare time?

I spend my spare time walking my dog, training for a 10K and eating brunch. Going for poached eggs, salmon and hollandaise is basically my Saturday morning routine.

Robert Barlow profile picture

About the author

Robert started off in admin, working for a marketing agency based in Manchester, before deciding he wanted to go to university and gain his HND followed by a BA Hons Degree in Business Finance with Marketing. Since then Rob has worked his way up through the ranks and now holds the position of The Oracle at the office! But unfortunately, unlike the character out of The Matrix, he doesn’t have all the answers for the team (but that doesn’t stop the questions)! Rob never says no to a hot drink (tea or coffee) to help keep his mind stimulated. He spends his time working on the business development of the company, liaising with clients and managing the work flow. And most importantly spends a lot of time working on the personal development of the team… answering questions!

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