what is your role at relative marketing?
My role at Relative is ensuring we exceed our clients’ expectations and go above and beyond. I will work with creatives and clients to ensure no wires get crossed and also ensure internal work hits the brief and is delivered in a timely manner.
what do you enjoy the most about working at relative?
I enjoy the web side of it as it’s really interesting. If you don’t work in this environment, you won’t know how much time goes into creating a website from scratch. I also enjoy working with the team as everybody is equally passionate about the business flourishing.
what is your background?
I come from a small, fully integrated background and specialise in social media and digital. If you have any Insta queries, I’m your gal!
what do you get up to in your spare time?
I spend my spare time walking my dog, training for a 10K and eating brunch. Going for poached eggs, salmon and hollandaise is basically my Saturday morning routine.